The World of Destrea


Destrea is a world of conflict, wonder, and mystery, shadowed by a sense of deep, cosmic dread. It is this unknowable, nagging unease which has led to millennia of restless exploration, development, and most of all... bloodshed.

While the names and faces of those who venture forth into the world will always change, their underlying drives remain constant. Whether it be power, prosperity, meaning, respect, love... or some delicate balance of the five, mortals have yearned for these things in every era of our world's history. How exactly one goes about attaining these depends on the person, their place in time, and their circumstances. The striving for respect and meaning can make a martyr in one era, and a tyrant in the next. Power can come to the noble and the cruel alike. And it could be argued that love and devotion can be lain at the feet of any cause... no matter how just.

How, then, will you decide your path? What will drive you forward, as you navigate its winding turns? Is that something you can truly know? Possibly. The only truth we might cling to is that there can be no escape from choice; the constant and unseen pull of time ensures that even to refuse your path entirely is a choice unto itself.

All mortals begin their journey as a stranger to Destrea, but in seeking to better know one's world, one invariably comes to know oneself.

"So many references to a 'Chosen One' run through our myths, but in reality, all are 'chosen' in this life, by virtue of their existence. The only question is: for what?"

- Ebonia Sootscale, The Dreadqueen