
Sects of Ascpecticism




*Non-denominational Aspecticists, though a great minority at time of printing, hold to maintaining harmony between these three elements of being.

The Aegian Chronicle

A massive, oscillating, interwoven series of perpetual motion machines, connected to one another via elaborate and elegant glasswork tubes. Fine white sand flows through it in sequence as the machine turns. It is said to be a tributary monument to Terra's Assertion (so-named for Olenya Terra, the founder of the Chronian sect), who posited that, when followers of Aegis are able to predict the movement of each mote of materia in the physical realm, they will be able to predict the future.

-Aether Guide Warren Rubius Xho

-Aether Seeker Arterio Xenan

The Aethersphere

The Seat of the Dauntless