The Blightgrove


As legends have it, The Blightgrove's strange environment is the result of a long-ago war between the Khenii Dynasty and the Voraci dragonclan. Voraci records tell of Vorac'nath'al, Elder Dragon of Shadow, unleashing 'The 9th Breath' upon the belligerent Khenii elves, blighting their lands with a black flame that water could not quench. As the story tells it, it was only through diligent prayer to Aegis, the green moon, for thirty-three days and thirty-three nights, that the Khenii were shown how they could, at last, quell the dark inferno. Their five greatest sorcerers, The Earthcallers of Veleghan, were each guided to five mountain peaks at the forest's edge. They climbed under the green moonlight, and upon reaching the summits, looked out into The Dunelands, where a roiling sandstorm of golden sand awaited them. Calling to Aegis for strength in the waning hours of night, the Earthcallers pulled the great sandstorm through the mountain passes, and with great effort spread the brilliant sand across the woodlands, extinguishing the black flames. The Earthcallers of Veleghan, pushed over the brink from their charge, layed then upon the earth, and joined with it– giving The Veleghan Peaks their name.

Current State

The Blightgrove of today is a unique... TDB

Creatures of The Blightgrove