

Combustion Energy

Typically fuelled using wood pellets, coal, and oil, combustion power is the most commonly-used form of energy production in the realm. While it is relatively easier to extract and implement than crystals, it is also arguably more dangerous to handle safely.

Steam Power

While still a relatively niche energy source, steam power has been an effective middle-ground option for those concerned with the high complexity of crystalline infusion or the volatile handling of combustible materials. Though inferior to its two rivals in terms of raw energy output, the plenitude of usable water throughout the realm makes steam the most accessible of the bunch. As such, less developed nations such as the Commonwealth of Free Destrea, or some of the independent city-states of the Caravan Delta, make extensive use of steam power in their urban areas, trade vessels, and fleets.

Crystalline Infusion

Far and away the most advanced form of energy production in use, crystalline infusion involves much of the same technique and expertise as Crystalmancy, but at a much larger, more demanding scale. Crystal energy producers risk bankruptcy almost constantly, for even a single errant spell infusion could render their incredibly intricate power source completely useless.

Kinetic Energy

Kinetic power is generated through harnessing naturally-occurring phenomena of our world, such as wind, flowing water, and gravity, in order to charge energy turbines or propel wheels, gears, and pulleys into motion. By far the least devastating to its environment, while admittedly being the least efficient in terms of energy output as well as the lowest-ranked in terms of arcanic applicability. Most uses of kinetic energy are rudimentary in nature, 

Notable examples include windmills, water wheels, and the famous mountain rail cars of the Edonian Crownlands.