The Bakta Syndicate

The Bakta Syndicate

An international gang of criminals, slum lords, thieves, scheming nobles, and corrupt business folk whose scope is too difficult for the chronicling board to quantify accurately. Once divided into several disparate criminal enterprises spread throughout the realm, a swift but brutal gang war between the largest of them, a few years prior to this printing, ended with the surviving gangs consolidating into the organization known today as The Bakta Syndicate. 

At its head is the Council of Boglords, who have developed a way of connecting their largest casino & headquarters, The Caravan Palace, via alternating, interconnected arcanic doorways located throughout the realm. Using this power, in conjunction with their vast underground network of spies, assassins, and other folk of ill-repute, they have amassed a great deal of influence & capital, both of which they exert upon nearly all of the realm’s governments with near-total impunity.

Van'Suria, former headquarters of the Bakta Triumvirate (precursor to the current incarnation of the organization)

Key Figures (Area of Operation/Territory)

Bogboss Gazza Van Drek (East Graelia & Scipion, Gorrano)

Anastasia Wick (Dawnpeak, The Commonwealth)

Quentin Quinok, The Bloodrose (Unknown)

Irenya Black, The Spindler (Unknown)

Deva Devine (Midos Major, Spectralos)

Viktor Valentine (The Caravan Delta)

No Portrait on File

Bogboss Julian Bryce-Smith (Felpine)

Known Associates (Role)

Owen Navarro, The Burning Shadow (Assassin)

Saiyal Oranje, The Dagger of Midos Major (Consiglia to the Council of Boglords)

View from the 9th floor of The Caravan Palace, the Bakta Syndicate's main headquarters and the largest casino in the realm.