Augurs of the Eclipse

The First & Last Line of Defense

An ancient order of arcanists and monster hunters, sworn to protect mortalkind from extra-planar threats across every corner of the realm. Their founding mission is borne of a section of the Fhaelian Turntable referred to as 'The Eclipse'. Translated from Fhaelian runes, the caption on the turntable reads:

"When sun and moon are rejoined in their kingdom, when the veil of the world parts for the heavens, and all are made equal in the light of the beyond... then will Shadow and Form meet, and the final weighing of mortalkind shall begin."

They swear fealty to no nation or government, and as such, generally disregard the laws of the lands in which they operate. This attitude has evoked a range of sentiments from ruling bodies, from outright hostility to a heavily-strained tolerance of their activities. Other underground elements, especially those with ties to the occult, seek to root out and eliminate Augurs wherever and whenever possible. Consequentially, as most authorities have a non-interference attitude with regards to the Augurs, they are mostly considered beyond the protection of the law.

Their numbers have dwindled over the centuries, as Destrean societies have grown increasingly insulated from the otherworldly threats lurking deep in the beyond. As their apparent utility to a greater social good has waned, so too has the public's impression of the Augurs- today, they are either generously viewed as an outdated, pseudo-religious doomsday cult, or a lawless gang of miscreant arcanists with no respect for the civilized world, or somewhere in between.

Regardless of what the world may think of them, as an organization, they remain certain of their founding principle: The Eclipse will come, and should they not live to meet it, the shadow of the world shall at long last overtake its form- and plunge the world into eternal darkness.

Seekers of the Lost

The Strangers to the Dimension, a poorly-understood phenomenon across Destrea, represent a critical piece of The Augur's model for the nature of the world. They posit that the Strangers' ability to awaken ancient monuments, as well as draw arcana from beyond the plane, make them the only hope for preventing the Eclipse. They employ any and all measures, arcanic or otherwise, to locate the Strangers before the Soulhunters of Etherea, their centuries-old nemeses, do.