The Druidic Circle

The Raker

Her long tendrils drag the realm, picking up what is discarded so it might be made anew. With an endless array of fine, thin white teeth, she combs what is gathered into living thread for her brother, The Weaver.

The Weaver

His fine hands bracket and interlock the thread spun by the Raker into evermore intricate patterns, which expand infinitely and exponentially in increasingly complex fractal arrangements.

The Razer

With a long scythe of brimstone and obsidian, its edge caked with mould, The Razer cuts away those strands of The Weaver's tapestry which run past its edges. Her prunings are sometimes indelicate, but never erred- and for her sister The Raker, she leaves the remains to be gathered and repurposed.

*Editor's note: The Razer, both in image and in historical attributed qualities, bears a great deal of resemblance to The Shepherd of Omnist tradition, clearly suggesting that the latter is derivative of the former (though ardent Omnists seldom grant this conceit). -J.Z.