The Stön Trillium

Demographic Breakdown

Government Type: Oligarchic Federation

Head of State: N/A

Head of Government: Magnus 'The Blind Rat' Vexclay, Anders Mith-Kalias, Helena 'The Hammer' Smith

Governing Body: The Stön Triumvirate (Members listed above)

Political Factions: The Underway Workers' Party, Galvan's Hammer

Nation's Capital: N/A

Population: ~245, 000

Racial Composition: 67% Dwarven*, 19% 'Dweller*', 10% Drow, 2% Human, 2% Other.

Religious & Spiritual Beliefs: Unspecified** (99%).

Demonym: Trillian.

Main Exports: Soil, Water, Craft Tools.

Currency: Triv.

National Sport: Stilts

Official Languages: Dwarvish (Original), Common, Draconic.

Motto: "Hand, in hand, in hand."

*Editor's Note: Whichever branch you believe they're referring to, they mean the other one. -A.G.

**Editor's Note: Due to the Trillium's stringent regulations surrounding organized religion & spiritual privacy, our population census was not permitted to gather data in this area. -M.G.

Trillian Slang, Sayings, and Idioms

"Blasting bedrock" - a pointless or unachievable task, a waste of talent/resources.

"Mineral timing" - spoken to denote an exceptional, fortuitous occurrence; comes from Crystalmancy, wherein certain crystals must be attuned accurately, to the second, in order to achieve optimal spell effect.

Ihar Dundr, historic entrance to The Underway from the Mort'hano Highlands. Now largely unused due to relative ease of access/popularity of other routes.

Peaceable Hermits

Since establishing their mountain strongholds centuries ago, the Stön Trillium has remained neutral through each and every conflict in Destrea's history, save one: the devastating Dwarven Civil War of 1178 DC, which saw the highest number of casualties, in the shortest time frame, of any war in recorded history.

Deepsoil Crop Co-op

With limited access to sunlight, Trillians have had to make-do with what nourishment could be grown in sufficient quantities underground. This need led to the development of intricate irrigation techniques, used to maximize crop yields from boonmoss, a highly nutritious plant native to the region. The moss farmers of the Stön Trillium are currently organized under a single co-operative entity, known as Deepsoil Crop.

Stön Sundr

[Most populous, agriculture, seat of government]

The bread basket of the Underway, where many ancillary communities living there source grain and produce.

Stön Dundr

The main economic hub of the Trillium, which borders Gorrano, Gilgas, Anclevan, and the Commonwealth. Home to The Stön Deepvault, which safeguards many ancient relics, and vast hoards of wealth both private and not.

Stön Varl

[Cultural centre, manufacturing]